Online member area

Online member area

Project history

As part of setting up the Connected Visiting Experience, I created the online member area for the national Sea Center Nausicaá.

This online area allows visitors to find the badges, photos, drawings and documents created, won or collected during their visit.

Visitors can also find contents created from the mobile application, or from other physical locations and partner museums.

Ultimately, this space will be a central place for ecological commitment and community exchange between visitors.

What i've done

Project management, technical design, graphic design, integration and development, application maintenance.

Tools used

Linux server, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, Javascript

Customers & partners

Nausicaa - Centre national de la merDecathlonEntreprendre Ensemble DunkerqueNORCAPIMTD - Institut des mobilités et des transports durablesLes Rencontres Audiovisuelles de Lille - Video MappingCommunauté Urbaine de DunkerqueLa Redoute InterieursStudio SquareGardenAgence Publicis Activ